
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So, as we've had adorable friends and family share with us their blogs - we could really use some help on ours. We'd love to post more photos and haven't a clue how. If you have any great tips how to add this - please post!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Becoming Floridians

We'll it is official. We are moving to Florida.

We will be moving to a town just west of Ft. Lauderdale called Davie. I got accepted into a graduate program for Student Affairs at Nova Southeastern University and was also offered a Graduate Assistantship in their Residential Life program as the GA for training and development. Matthew will be job searching for something he likes that hopefully gives us more time together while applying to his grad program at the same school in Marriage and Family Therapy. We're moving June 5th and have been trying to figure out a good way to stay in touch with all our friends and family when it was posed to start a blog.

We will hopefully keep everyone posted on our new little adventures out there and the new experiences we'll have with lots of photos and my rantings and ramblings via this blog. Please feel free to post to our blog and keep up updated on yourselves too!

For those who we haven't gotten to chat with in a while... we also included a photo update on what we've been doing the last couple of months (volunteer work, dating, and Disneyland!)

Meeting Ariel was a must do on our bucket list. Matt spoiled me and took me to her grotto for a princess luncheon.

While in Disneyland, we got to play with our dear friends the Cook's and the Allen's.

Matt was styling some feminine foot attire to create awareness for sexual assault and help stop the cycle.

Matt's first pink shirt!