
Friday, September 16, 2011

Peyton Robert Biehl - January 2012

In the blogging world, I have earned an F! We’ve been so busy that taking time to upload photos and writing has been put on the back burner but hopefully, I can give a little update to the whirlwind that has become our life.

So in the recent months Matt and I are back in the full swing of life but does it ever truly stop? We had a month “off” of classes that was spent with me working and presenting at various trainings for the job and Matthew was busy seeing his clients.

Right now we’re both in classes, actively participating as executive board members of our Graduate school’s Student Government Association, running around with our internships and jobs. Matthew recently picked up a second job to help us prepare for the biggest event of all Our baby!

We found out about a week or two ago that we will be having a boy and we couldn’t be more thrilled about it! We are anxious to have our little Peyton Robert join us in January but there’s so much to do before then that we’re quite okay waiting a little longer to meet him.

Since I’ve been slacking, I’m posting some pictures of the belly through the weeks and photos from the 20-week ultrasound. Sorry for the quality, I’ve misplaced the camera cord and can’t seem to remember where I’ve placed it Oh the joys of pregnancy!

Our little Peyton Robert Biehl

Peyton gave us a high five during his photo session, sadly we captured it as he was changing it up and it looks more like he's practicing for the days we go on drive in South Florida (yep, he's related to Hildy!)

A strong heartbeat

Amazing to see the bone structure already there with his ribs, eyes, and arm

Okay, it's looks a little creepy but here we see those big Biehl eyes facing us - he wanted us to see him smile early on.

He has Daddy's strong shoulders already!

Oh Boy! Right in the middle of the pelvis bone.

Week 20

Week 18

Week 18

Week 16

Week 14

Week 14

Week 5

Week 5