
Sunday, February 19, 2012

... And Peyton makes three!

On January 15th, 2012 our sweet little man, Peyton Robert Biehl, was born at 1:24 a.m. weighing in at 8 lbs. 1 oz. and measured 21 1/2"

Labor was relatively quick and natural. Not just "oh she didn't have a C-section" but natural like no medications, injections, or pain relievers - natural. For those of you not interested in hearing my birth story, you can skip down to the section titled "The Afterlife" or move straight to pictures. Those of you who are curious - Enjoy!

"Peyton's Birth Story"

On Friday, January 13th my water broke at 11:00 p.m. I wasn't sure if it had really happened but after a quick shower at Matt's insistence (I had told him something felt strange and I just lost my mucous plug, he asked if it was labor and I scoffed at him. He suggested taking a shower in case and I eventually agreed) I came out to do my hair and felt the rush so that there was no disputing it. I could see the panic in Matt's eyes so I suggested he shower as we wouldn't know the next time he could. I was then tasked with calling the midwives to let them know we'd be coming in shortly. Matt started flying around the house in a panic until the mid wives told us to rest until the contractions became uncomfortable. At around 5 a.m. we went in for a check-up and were disappointed to hear I was only dilated to 1 cm... It was brutal. We then went home to rest some more until our next check in...
At 12 p.m. we were found to have progressed to 4 cm and were invited to walk along the beach to help it along. So, on a Saturday afternoon we walked along the beach and boardwalk at Hollywood beach and then grabbed a bite to eat (Mexican food!). When we returned at 2 p.m. we had moved to 6 cm.
We passed the time between breathing exercises on the bed and squatting using a rope hanging from the ceiling. We had our playlist going and at around 9 pm we were checked yet again. Unfortunately for me there had been no more progress in the last 7 hours though the contractions had grown more uncomfortable. At that point, with the pep talk from my mid wife Betty and Matt's moral support, I attempted some exercises to help speed things along. I had realized that I had become too comfortable in labor and needed to face the pain head on to help Peyton out. After 20 minutes of exercise and a quick lap around the center, I was transitioning. For those who are unfamiliar with this, the transition phase is the last step before you start pushing your baby. Before this phase, you usually have breaks between contractions to pause and rest... In transition, this doesn't necessarily happen. My contractions built on top of one another with no breaks and though it sounds painful, it becomes so intense that your body takes over and your mind becomes very lucid giving in to it all. I truthfully felt like this part was only 10 minutes long though it was closer to 2 hours.
The next thing I remember is hearing Betty tell me i'm at a 9 cm dilation and when I feel ready, to call for them. I then remember my back hurting ALOT and telling Matt he needed to call the midwives because I was ready to push (when I determined this I was self-doubting, my mind was mocking itself saying "how do you know you need to push? you've never done this before!") I started pushing and around 20 minutes in, I had my handsome little man! The pushing was painful but no where near as torturous as carrying 30 extra lbs for nine months with morning sickness.
Immediately after Peyton was born I was able to reach down and bring him to my chest. He opened his eyes and was so inquisitive immediately. I gazed at him in awe! We snuggled and fed and I felt so blessed to have Matthew at my side sharing in this lovely experience. Peyton stayed with us throughout our stay until we were released later that morning.

"The Afterlife"

It truly feels like a different world since Little Man came into it. I feel like my core lies within him and my world revolves around his every need. The first few days had me amazed. By day 3 I was petrified and anxious with thoughts of my inferiority as I struggled with breastfeeding and Peyton's drastic weight loss and jaundice. As much as everyone says to trust your instincts, I had yet to learn how at that point. A week into it I was humbled by the strength and love the Lord was giving to Peyton, Matthew, and myself. I truthfully don't know how we made it through those rough moments but i'm so grateful to have his watchful eye over our little family.

Three weeks after we have found the joy in seeing Peyton grow. Already he's developing a personality and I love how quick he is to calm down when I hold him. We've found a language that works for the two of us and being able to recognize his needs quickly has helped SO much (youtube - the baby language). Breastfeeding has become enjoyable and I look forward to the time together, despite the exhaustion cluster feeding causes.

At four weeks we took his "newborn" photos and celebrated his one month birthday. Sadly, at this point I've returned back to work and miss hanging out with Peyton in bed all day. I've now learned the complex world of pumping and have found that crying over spilled milk is not a silly thing!

We are now at five weeks and WOW! I have never learned so much or felt so inferior and proud at the same time. Peyton is my all - he is truly the best of Matthew and me. Watching him and Matthew interact over Daddy Diaper Duty or watching him "coo" at play time brings the biggest smile to all three of our faces. I can't believe he's already trying to grasp and smile and i'm so shocked by how well his neck control is! This little man is growing up so fast I just hate to miss a moment :(

"Moving Forward"

In the next few weeks (think, like 8) I will be traveling for a week-long conference where I will be job hunting - Please pray that things work out well for us! Soon after we'll have an event to attend with former President Bill Clinton, our semester will be wrapping up (my final one! :)), Easter will come, and then it will be Peyton's baby blessing with Matt's parents and brother Daniel coming down to visit.

We have so much happening in our lives that it seems like we don't ever break but I just pray for the strength and energy to make it through and hope that I can give Peyton the best Mommy at all times. Matt's an amazing father so i'm not too worried there. Please keep us in your prayers that we'll get through this stressful time and that we can make sure to find time to stop and enjoy the little moments God has given us with this incredible kid!

Below are some photos highlighting our last two months...

The home stretch!
My room at the Birth Center
The morning of... our first check-up
Matt and I walking on the beach Squatting to try and help Peyton position down About 10 hours in I was still smiling... for Peyton! Neither of us look our best but this was the BEST moment of my life - Soon after Peyton was born
Daddy and Peyton meeting for the first time
Our burrito

Peyton's first check up with the pediatrician... sadly, he had a butt load of these visits the first three weeks of his life
At Joe DiMaggio's before getting the Bili-blanket, IV, and billions of tests. This poor little guy was poked and prodded more in one day than I had been in my whole pregnancy. This was the lowest point as a new mommy - I just wanted to take away his pain.
We have belly button action going on!
The day of his circumcision - We went with a Rabbi... not gonna lie, it was another unexpected experience in South Florida
Play time!
Matthew gave me this lovely "Push Gift" it's an individuality bracelet with a blue and white studded bead for Peyton and an angel for my little sister as her death anniversary was a few days after Peyton's birth.
I also got a lovely bouquet of flowers and a "Thank you" balloon from my hunny. Glad to know he appreciated what I did :)
Peyton's announcement at the Birth Center
Daddy Diaper Duty!
Gazing at each other... *sigh*...
His first Superbowl
After his first Superbowl!

One month old and such a stud The boys during our favorite time of any day - nap time!